Q: Is it true 75% of women say they have to fake an orgasm?
A: According to a survey done by the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2009, 73 percent of women faked at least one orgasm in their most recent relationship. The number goes a whole lot higher when you ask a woman if she's ever faked an orgasm in her life. The survey of 2500 woman found that close to 90% of women have faked an orgasm at some point in their life. What most men fail to understand is, women take longer to reach the optimum level of arousal than men, for the most part. From the prime point of arousal to the time of orgasm is essentially the same in both men and women, but it takes women longer to reach that point. This is why women need to be warmed up in bed before actually beginning the final portion of sex, which inevitably leads to orgasm. If a man doesn't know how to help his partner reach the highest point of arousal, women will fake an orgasm to spare their man the embarrassment of premature ejaculation.
Q: What is the leading cause of break ups?
A: Sexual issues are the number one cause of break ups. The belief that sex is not important is a dangerous and intimacy-eroding myth. Sex provides an important time-out from the pressures of our daily lives and allows us to experience a quality level of closeness, vulnerability and sharing with our partners. When partners do not find the sex satisfying and rewarding, the problem eventually bleeds into the relationship causing a premature end. Sexual issues are the number one cause of break ups. The belief that sex is not important is a dangerous and intimacy-eroding myth. Sex provides an important time-out from the pressures of our daily lives and allows us to experience a quality level of closeness, vulnerability and sharing with our partners. When partners do not find the sex satisfying and rewarding, the problem eventually bleeds into the relationship causing a premature end. Sex might not be everything but it registers higher (90 percent) on the "importance scale" if it's a source of frustration in your relationship. If your sex life is unfulfilled, it becomes a gigantic issue. On the other hand, couples that have satisfying sex lives rate sex at only 10 percent on the "importance scale." |